22 апреля 2021
апреля 2021

AEB 25+ Anniversary Conference

Russia and Europe in the world of tomorrow. Looking back to move ahead.
  • 1
  • 4
  • 10:00 — 15:30
    Russian, English


About the conference

Economic ties between the European Union (EU) and Russia have flourished over the past 25 years despite all economic crisis and political stand-offs. Sharing a common continent, joint history and tight cultural proximity have helped develop a fruitful economic cooperation and create multiple business opportunities in various spheres and industries. European investors have been the first to believe in the potential of the Russian market and remained faithful to it even in difficult times.

However, the present does not look so bright: our economies and societies are currently facing great challenges. Recent trends show the resurgence of protectionism while cooperation and trade, bided by clear and fair rules of the game, are losing momentum. The consequences of climate change are calling for robust long-term mitigation and adaptation strategies as well as cutting-edge green technologies and investments. Finally, the current public health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic will have long-term repercussions on business models and supply chains while it is already clear that Moscow and Brussels will come out of it weakened, both in absolute terms and relative to other global political actors.

In this context, the European Union and Russia have much to gain from a revival of their relations. Maintaining and developing cooperation in fields such as environment, the Arctic or 5-G technologies between Moscow and Brussels could be one mechanism for getting out of the current lockdown and resetting bilateral relations.

How can European and Russian businesses overcome the obstacles they face? What strategies have proven to be the most effective and how do companies evaluate their prospects? What the EU and Russia could do to unlock the potential of green growth for the benefit of their economies, societies, and future generations? Can the current public health and economic crisis trigger conciliatory gestures and deepen cooperation between the EU and Russia? Can partnerships in education and science, research and innovation or new technologies be a driver for a positive change?


  • Esko Aho
    Esko Aho
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland (1991-1995). Senior Counsel, East Office - Finnish Industry Representative
  • Maxim Akimov
    Maxim Akimov
    General Director, Pochta Rossii
  • Patrick Antoni
    Patrick Antoni
    Chairman of the Board, Ingka Group Russia
  • David Campbell
    David Campbell
    President, British Petroleum Russia
  • Alexander Chuvaev
    Alexander Chuvaev
    General Director Fortum Russia
  • Markus Ederer
    Markus Ederer
    Ambassador of the European Union to the Russian Federation
  • Leonid Fedun
    Leonid Fedun
    Board Member, Lukoil, Co-Chair of the Climate Change Committee at the Russian Union of Industrialists (Russia)
  • Ernesto Ferlenghi
    Ernesto Ferlenghi
    Chairman of the Energy Committee of the Association of European Businesses (AEB); General Director of Eni Energy LLC; Head of Eni Representative Office, Head of Market Development Business Unit in Russia and Central Asia
  • Andrey Filatov
    Andrey Filatov
    Managing Director SAP CIS
  • Alexander Grushko
    Alexander Grushko
    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • Alexander Ivlev
    Alexander Ivlev
    EY Managing Partner for CIS countries
  • Natalia Kolerova
    Natalia Kolerova
    Country President of Novartis Group Russia General Manager of the Novartis Oncology in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries
  • Alexey Komissarov
    Alexey Komissarov
    Vice-Dean of the Presidential Academy RANEPA and Director of the Higher School of Public Administration (HSPA) at RANEPA, General Director of the ANO “Russia – the Land of Opportunities”
  • Yaroslav Kuzminov
    Yaroslav Kuzminov
    Rector of the Higher School of Economics
  • Alexander Liberov
    Alexander Liberov
    President & CEO, Siemens Russia
  • Stefan Mecha
    Stefan Mecha
    General Director of Volkswagen Group Rus
  • Tatiana Mitrova
    Tatiana Mitrova
  • Thierry de Montbrial
    Thierry de Montbrial
    Executive President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)
  • Vasily Nomokonov
    Vasily Nomokonov
    Member of the Board, Executive Director for Business Process Management, IT, Digital Technologies, Corporate Services, OOO Sibur
  • Matthias Platzeck
    Matthias Platzeck
    Head of the German-Russian Forum
  • Maxim Reshetnikov
    Maxim Reshetnikov
    Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • Valery Seleznev
    Valery Seleznev
    First Deputy Chairman of the State’s Duma Committee on Energy
  • Andrey Sharonov
    Andrey Sharonov
    Professor, CEO of the National ESG-Alliance
  • Tadzio Schilling
    Tadzio Schilling
    CEO, Association of European Businesses (AEB)
  • Alexander Shokhin
    Alexander Shokhin
    President, RSPP
  • Wolfgang Schüssel
    Wolfgang Schüssel
    Former Federal Chancellor of Austria, Independent Member of the Board of Directors of PJSC LUKOIL, President of the Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria (ÖAGVN)
  • Pavel Sorokin
    Pavel Sorokin
    Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Anatoly Torkunov
    Anatoly Torkunov
    Rector of MGIMO
  • Kristina Tikhonova
    Kristina Tikhonova
    President Microsoft Russia
  • Marilene Turcotte
    Marilene Turcotte
    General Manager, Air Liquide in Russia
  • Johan Vanderplaetse
    Johan Vanderplaetse
    Chairman of the Board, AEB, Senior Vice-President - President for Russia and CIS, Schneider Electric
  • Eirik Wærness
    Eirik Wærness
    Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Equinor


  • Opening & welcome

    10:00 – 10:10

    Johan Vanderplaetse

  • Growing Together? Synchronizing Economic Recovery in Europe

    Moderator: Tadzio Schilling

    10:10 – 11:20

    Esko Aho, Alexander Liberov, Stefan Mecha, Maxim Reshetnikov, Alexander Shokhin, Eirik Waerness

  • All Green? Driving the Energy Transformation Agenda

    Moderator: Ernesto Ferlenghi

    11:30 – 12:40

    Patrick Antoni, David Campbell, Alexander Chuvaev, Markus Ederer, Tatiana Mitrova, Pavel Sorokin, Marilene Turcotte, Johan Vanderplaetse, Valery Seleznev, Leonid Fedun

  • Can we still avoid a digitally divided world?

    Moderator: Alexander Ivlev

    12:50 – 14:00

    Maxim Akimov, Andrey Filatov, Maxim Kuznetsov, Vasily Nomokonov, Kristina Tikhonova

  • Leaders of the future. Who will shape the world of tomorrow?

    Moderator: Andrei Sharonov

    14:10 – 15:20

    Alexander Grushko, Alexey Komissarov, Yaroslav Kuzminov, Matthias Platzeck, Wolfgang Schüssel, Anatoly Torkunov

  • Closing remarks

    15:20 – 15:25

    Tadzio Schilling

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